Tuesday, October 27, 2009


When Noah came home from the NICU he slept 4 hours per 24 hour period, and not all at once. Three days later he was readmitted to the PICU and we were relieved to have a few days to catch up on sleep. Grandma saved us by getting an Amby hammock and things started to improve.

By the time Noah was a year old, he was sleeping about 12 hours per 24 hour period - a record. Unfortunately due to growth concerns we were still feeding Noah every 3 hours around the clock, so while he was getting more sleep, we really weren't (especially my saint of a husband who did the middle of the night feeds).

We were desperate and in need of sleep when Noah entered the intensive feeding program at Children's hospital. Slowly Noah came to a place where (with the help of Duocal and Polycal) he could consume enough calories during the day. It was so wonderful to finally after 2 years not have to wake our child to eat.

Things went ok for a while. Noah never slept as much as other kids his age, but he napped in the afternoons so I could get a break and would sleep 8 or 9 hours at night. Then he started school. Whether because of overstimulation or stress, some unknown allergen making his reflux worse, or just his age he started sleeping less, having trouble getting to sleep, and waking during the night.

When he finally gave up his daily nap last March things went from bad to worse. Some days Noah will sleep fine, but on others he's up for hours in the middle of the night. Screaming? No, not Noah. Singing. The first few times it was cute. Hearing my deaf child's sweet voice over the monitor was pretty great. But it's not so cute anymore.

I need a nap.

1 comment:

leah said...

I hear you on the lack-of-sleep thing. I think the GERD is the culprit, because Nolan was (and is) the same way. We had no idea he had severe GERD until a few months ago (he's a silent refluxer, so he's been failure-to-thrive and never sleeps, but no one knew why)! He still doesn't nap, doesn't sleep through the night, and I want to sign up for a babysitter overnight sometimes!