Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I did it!

We finally made our reservation for the deaf-blind conference this summer and I'm so excited. Check it out!
Oceanfront hotel in Virginia Beach... Rachel Coleman and Josh Swiller as keynotes... No vomit or feeding protocol for 3 days (thanks to Grandma's babysitting)... Sometimes theres an up-side to having a disabled child! Brian and I are very excited for some much needed time away. I'm also looking forward to meeting other parents of dual sensory impaired children. Not to mention cable TV, room service, and someone else to make the bed.


Jennifer said...

Oh...that sounds wonderful! You will enjoy yourself so much!! I'm so glad you're going to get to go!

abby said...

I'm not sure what makes me more jealous---weekend away at beachfront resort or Rachel Coleman's keynote!

Seriously, it sounds like fun and I'm glad you're going!

abby said...

Hi Emily,

It's so funny...I left my comment on your blog this morning, and then found Rachel's comment on mine this afternoon. Couldn't have come at a better moment since we're having a hellish day today eating-wise (wasn't helped by a head on collision between Hallie and the freezer door during a self-directed ice cube seeking venture that resulted in one bloody lip and vomiting up the truly pathetic breakfast she reluctantly consumed).

Anyway, if Rachel writes back to me I will send her your way and let her know more generally that she has a huge fan base among our little circle.