Friday, February 29, 2008

Pregnancy (Not me, don't worry!)

Today my SIL is as pregnant as I've ever been. If she were to have her baby today, it's likely that it would look a little something like this.

Tomorrow she'll be more pregnant that I've ever been. This is a good thing, and I'm very happy for her. I hope she enjoys her (hopefully) healthy, (hopefully) full term baby very much. I know that Noah will enjoy having a cousin. Whenever he sees a baby he asks "Where Noah's baby?" or "This my baby?". Sorry, Noah. A cousin is as close as you get.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

M is for Marker

Noah loves his ABCs. He has these wonderful alphabet books that have 3 pictures of things that start with each letter. He loves to go around saying "U is for Umbrella" or "C is for cat". I was a little concerned when the other day he came up to me and said "I is for banana". After much convincing he finally repeated "B is for banana" but he never looked like he was quite ok with it. Today he told me that "A is for apple" and then that "X is for doll" and again "I is for banana". I tried to correct him but he was not budging. Finally he patiently signed "x" and then used the "x sign" to sign doll. X kinda sorta is for doll! That is the same shape that makes "x" is used to sign doll. Weird. I was totally lost about the "I is for banana" thing until I remembered that Noah signs the letter I using his index finger (he can't isolate his pinkie yet) and then uses that same finger to make the "banana" sign. I really IS for banana! How do kids come up with this stuff?!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Wanted: Dead or Alive

Have you seen this earpiece?

Identifying Features
beige metallic color; teeth marks from chewing practice
$65 (or at least, that's how much it'll cost to replace it)
Last seen
attached to Noah's CI processor

Likely hiding places

in a tub of play doh

attached to one of Mr. Potato Head's orifices

in the bottom of the toy box

on the back of a truck halfway to Mexico

You would think that with all the money that has gone into developing cochlear implants someone would've thought up a way to keep a two year old from removing an itty-bitty piece.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Self-Centered Signing Time Addict

Noah loves to sign AND he loves Signing Time. He started out singing the theme song:
"It's Signing Time with Alex and Leah"

Then it was:
It's Signing Time with Alex and Leah and Noah"

"It's Signing Time with Alex and Noah" (Who needs girls anyways!)

Today I heard:
"It's Signing Time with me me Noah"

The best part is that he still manages to sing the tune correctly in spite of all the variations. The series 2 Signing Time DVDs that I ordered from Amazon (for Christmas!) Finally shipped out today and he's going to be sooooo excited when they arrive.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Rejoining the Workforce

I haven't been blogging about this because it's complicated and stressful and personal, but after a long dramatic month Noah no longer has Medicaid. We have more steps we could take, but the stress was too much so we decided it wasn't worth it. We are anticipating about $600-$800/month in medical related expenses (aka copays & coinsurance from our private insurance) - I'm VERY thankful that the CI surgery and day patient feeding program were last year! This will probably shock you all, but our little family of 3 on my husband's Christian school salary cannot afford an extra $600-$800/month. After debating for a while whether it was most important that Noah get around safely, eat, speak, have healthy lungs, or not scream in pain from reflux, we decided that we really couldn't cancel any aspect of our medical lives so I'm planning to get a job. A day job (you know, like the one I got that degree for) is out of the question since I spend my days taking Noah to all of his wonderful, expensive therapy appointments so today I spent the afternoon applying at various retail stores. It was quite an odd experience because I've never actually applied for a job that I didn't know I was getting:

  • On my 15th birthday I was getting pizza at my favorite neighborhood hangout when the owner said "Now that you're 15 you're going to start working for me, right?". I started a week later.
  • In college the academic dean told me I should work at the help desk and called Technology Services to tell them to hire me. I didn't actually want the job, but I ended up taking it the following year since I was bored with easy classes (it's a good thing I did since that's where I met my husband!).
  • In college I also worked for 2 professors at various points (one as a TA in his Ed. Tech. class and another writing grant proposals for a charter school he started) - I was practically begged both times.
  • The school where I taught for 5 years before having Noah started soliciting me my senior year of college. I agreed to an interview only because it was a excuse to go to VA to visit my grandma and ended up falling in love with the school.

I know getting a job has a lot to do with who you know, but has anyone else made it to 30 without having to apply for a completely random job where you know no one and no one knows you? That just seems a little odd to me.

Keep your fingers crossed and say an extra prayer that I'll find something. We're not exactly destitute but it would be nice to know these expenses will be covered.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Five Things I Didn't Expect

  1. When I told Noah we were going to feeding therapy today he said, "Let's go Carol [the feeding therapist]. I love eat apples and popcorn!"
  2. Noah ate 4 cereal pieces (Trix) during feeding therapy.
  3. He also ate 4 pieces of a Cheeto during feeding therapy. (Who knew you could slice Cheetos!)
  4. For feeding therapy dessert he ate 2 mini chocolate chip cookies and then he ate 4 more when he got home. He's a chocolate addict like his mommy.
  5. Noah climbed up a bar stool and onto the counter in an attempt to get in the kitchen because he wanted to "eat an elephant" this afternoon. I wasn't hiding elephant meat in the kitchen, I swear. You'd think I never feed him...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Someday it'll be pizza and wings...

...but right now I'm feeling pretty good about some Puff N Corn in a piece of mesh accompanied by a tri-chew.

Notice that he takes the very last chew without the tri-chew in his mouth. This week we're working on transitioning him to not need the tri-chew to remember to chew. I'm not sure that we'll get to the 3/5 chews without it by Tuesday, but I'm sure gonna try.

We're teaching Noah to hold my thumb when he eats in preparation for self feeding (Yay!). We started out a few weeks ago with "Touch Mommy's elbow" and gradually moved him closer to the spoon. He's doing ok with holding my thumb, but he still lets go a little too soon. He's definitely not ready for "Hold the spoon" yet, but at least he's not screaming like he was when we first started with the helping. He already self-feeds the Pediasure, but he's addicted to that stuff so it didn't take much coaxing. Notice the lack of gagging and vomiting in spite of the fact that he's eating some gritty, sticky, strawberry & banana mixture. Three months ago we had to strain the seeds out of pureed bananas because it was too much texture, but he's made tons of improvement since then. Bring on the pizza and wings!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Noah Sings the Hallelujah Chorus

Also known as:

"Why Daddy Shouldn't Leave His Shoes on the Floor"

Noah loves to sing. Before his CI he couldn't talk, but he could hum his ABCs. His hearing aids gave him access to rhythm and pitch, and he made good use of it. He picks up songs so quickly when he hears them with his CI, but he prefers to give his "concerts" with his CI off. Is all the background noise distracting with the CI on? Does he feel the need to fill the "silence" that no CI brings? I just don't know. Hopefull he can tell me when he gets a little older.